Feb 9th, 2022 |
Reimagining How Healthy Detachment Works
Today, we open a much-needed, quite candid, conversation about the practice of "healthy detachment." "Wait a minute, Janell," you say. "You are supposed to be teaching us about healthy "secure attachment." Yes, you are right. But, after a seemingly silly holiday of banter about my very skinny pencil Christmas tree, I realized I had a little more work to do on strengthening my sense of self AND on the very unhealthy, really debilitating behavior of getting my self-worth or sense of okay-ness from the looks and words of those around me. As an Enneagram 2, I am prone to these "shadow sides" of personality, but it doesn't mean I like them. I am a firm believer that God helps us change and become stronger every day. I am not stopping now. I want to be my whole-est self. I pray my story informs your story.