Today's Heartlift with Janell

Sometimes the story we tell ourselves is not really true. Sometimes the story others tell about us is not really true. On "Today's Heartlift with Jane…
Jan 13th, 2022 | 54:55

Reimagining Our Need to Be Liked

Heartlifters, buckle up! Today on the show we welcome Pastor Rob Singleton and open up a tough, often stern, yet filled-with-hope, conversation about the crippling effect social media can have on our hearts, minds, and souls. In his book, "Overliked: Finding Direction, Courage, and Meaningful Relationships in a Society Crippled by Social Media," we venture into the negative effects of needing to be "liked" on social media. He writes, "A like is a public stamp of approval. A virtual representation of your worth. I like your post or your feed, I validate who you are. I see you. And, subsequently, my lack of likes can leave you feeling unseen and dismissed. You don't think so? Just recall the last time a post or picture went unnoticed on your feed." Here in the Stronger Every Day community, we commit to becoming stronger every day and in 2022, we are honing in on knowing and loving and accepting our God-breathed value, worth, and dignity. Let's LIKE who God created us to be so we can let go of an unhealthy need for "public stamps of approval."